The number of registered cases in Hyderabad rose from 25,488 in 2023 to 35,944 in 2024. The figures were released during this year’s annual round-up meeting by Police Commissioner C.V. Anand at the Integrated Command Control Centre at Banjara Hills on Sunday.
Bodily crimes witnessed a steep rise of 65.74%, increasing from 5,098 cases in 2023 to 8,447 in 2024. Grave bodily crimes also surged from 563 cases in 2023 to 700 in 2024. Property crimes followed an upward trend, jumping from 3,551 cases in 2023 to 5,328 in 2024.
Crimes against women rose by 2.39%, from 2,424 cases in 2023 to 2,482 in 2024, while crimes against children saw a concerning increase of 21.02%, growing from 371 cases in 2023 to 449 in 2024. Cases involving Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes communities recorded a marginal rise of 1.74%, from 172 cases in 2023 to 175 in 2024.City police commissioner C.V. Anand said that the peaceful conduct of Parliament elections, alongside major events, festivities and religious processions is a testament to meticulous planning, seamless execution and exemplary coordination. “Special emphasis has been placed on strengthening night policing and maintaining vigil over all forms of criminal activity during night hours. Furthermore, the induction of 1,127 new police constables into the force augurs well for the city’s security, traffic management and the overall efficiency of the Hyderabad City Police,” he said.
Traffic violations
Hyderabad recorded 2,745 road accidents in 2024 as opposed to 2,548 last year. Despite enhanced safety measures, the city saw over 227 deaths in 76 fatal accidents in 2024. During the drunk and drive checks in 2024, 8,40,084 people were checked, 52,080 cases were booked and 46,468 chargesheets were filed. In 2023, 3,49,917 people were checked, 43,940 cases were booked and 45,327 chargesheets were filed.
In 2023, 19,29,698 violations were recorded for riding without a helmet, which jumped to 22,74,662 in 2024. In 2023, 1,878 people were booked for minor driving, which increased to 2,976 in 2024.
Police Commissioner C.V. Anand and other officials at the Hyderabad City Police Commissionerate Annual Round Up-2024 meeting at the Integrated Command Control Centre in Hyderabad on Sunday.
“With Hyderabad’s vehicle population now exceeding 8.8 million, traffic violations remain a pressing issue. Initiatives like ‘Operation Rope’ helped remove 200 footpath encroachments, easing congestion. However, road accidents and life-endangering violations remain critical challenges. Enhanced monitoring, public education campaigns and AI-driven traffic systems have been prioritised for 2025,” said the commissioner.
Cyber crimes
A total of 4,042 cases of cybercrime were reported, resulting in financial losses amounting to ₹296.32 crore. Investment fraud emerged as the most significant category, with 926 cases leading to losses of ₹60.02 crore. Trading fraud followed closely behind with 563 cases, resulting in losses amounting to ₹136.66 crore. OTP fraud accounted for 361 cases, costing victims ₹10.20 crore, while customs fraud saw 312 cases leading to financial damages of ₹61.29 crore. Online fraud was responsible for 278 cases, totalling ₹2.28 crore in losses.
The Hyderabad Police have made strides in addressing these cybercrimes through enforcement and recovery efforts. Approximately ₹39.3 crore was successfully recovered, representing around 13% of the total financial losses reported.
Crimes against women
The report shows a rise in crimes against women, with 2,482 cases registered in 2024 compared to 2,424 in 2023.A total of 1,201 cases were reported during the year by She Teams. Out of these, 2,280 individuals were caught red-handed and 425 petty cases were addressed. Legal action was taken in 182 cases, resulting in FIRs being filed, while 1,957 individuals were warned and counselled. Additionally, 2,519 adult offenders and 106 minors were identified. Efforts to combat these issues include expanded SHE Teams, Safe City initiatives, and helpline support. Enhanced CCTV coverage and increased patrolling are also planned for 2025 to ensure women’s safety.
Drugs seized
The H-NEW seized drugs worth ₹10.56 crore in 29 cases, including 2,668 kg of ganja and significant quantities of cocaine and MDMA in 2024. With key arrests targeting drug networks, H-NEW has strengthened its resolve to tackle narcotics distribution effectively.
Strategic plans
To address the rising challenges, the Hyderabad City Police plans to implement AI-driven policing, predictive systems to pre-empt crime and optimize law enforcement, AI-driven traffic systems and targeted safety initiatives and strengthened expertise to combat digital crimes effectively. “These measures aim to transform Hyderabad into a safer and more secure city while addressing the complexities of urban crime and safety,” concluded the top cop.