Project Out Sourcing Experiments - As DCP Central Zone

 "OUT SOURCING" of some functions as a new methodology in policing has been under discussion for some time in Andhra pradesh police. In the western world, most of the police forces have already outsourced several of their functions. Feeling the intense pressure and burden of law and order maintenance, beside VIP Security duties, Crime detection and other routine duties coupled with paucity of manpower in hyderabad city, the Central Zone Police tried some experiments in Ramgoplapet police station for the last 4 months by outsourcing some non-core Police functions. After a careful review and approval of the commissioner of police, hyderabad, sri M.V.Krishna Rao, it is now being replicated expanded to other police stations of the city.

What is Out Sourcing
It occurs when a private firm performs the functions of the government under contract. Outsourcing would also mean  using Civilians in any capacity where Policemen used to or are presently performing functions. 


a) To release Precious, limited, trained policemen from non-core to core duties.
b) To reduce pressure on the stration house officers to 'some how' manage his police station.
c) To demystify police functioning by opening the police culture to outside influences and thereby bring in more transparency.

The hyderabad City Police are 9,300 strong. This force was last increased in 1982. In these 20 years, the population of the city has gone up from 35 lakhs to over 60 lakhs. More over, umpteen duties like VIP security have diverted a significant percentage of this force, and have adversely affected the Public-Police ratio. In recent times the concept of a more 'people friendly police' has been adopted and internalised by all Police forces. In Andhra Pradesh, recetion centres in police stations and community policing in the form of maithri Sanghams has been started. E-cops roject linking all police stations in the state has also been started. These draw heavily upon the limited manpower available in police stations. The final result has been that hardly 6 to 7 constables are available in each of the 3 shifts of duty to do field duties, to go on beats, to trace criminals and to tackle the innumerable 
agitations every day in the city. 

This is despite the fact that sanctioned srtrengths of Police stations is between 50 and 70. There is no scope of the pollice force being increased in the near future in AP. What, then, is the option?.it was thought that if we save manpower doing non-core duties and direct them to core duties, we could imrove our visibility and effciency in the field, it was also felt that we cannot afford trained constables to receive petitions or type reports in the Police Station at the cost of field duties, regulate traffic or keep a watch at the banks and colonies for criminals, when a rivate person can do this for R.2,750/- and perhaps provide better services.



These are functioning all over the state and there is particular focus on their functioning in urban areas. In hyderabad, in every station 3 constables (including women) have been trained and allotted to do this job of receiving petitions. But due to the continuous bandobust duties, these constables often get disturbed for field work. More over the public was not expressing satisfaction with the response they got from the reception centres.

Now we have decided to create special facilities for this reception counter by outsourcing this police function. The 'consultant' has employed 3 persons - 1 lady and 2 gents to run this reception counter on a 24 hours basis including sundays. They will receive the complaints, offer them a seat, water etc....., record their complaint in the proforma register and direct the complainant to the concerned sub-inspector or inspector. she / he will give a receipt for this. The receptionist will record the address and contact phone numbers of the comp-
lainant and inform her / him the progress.

 An EPABX has been provided to the Police Station and all calls will land at the Reception. The Receptionist will answer the call and take details. 7 extension phones have been given to the inspector, 5 SIs including Crime SI and the station writer.The receptionist will divert the call to the officer concerned. If
the officer is not available , then the receptionist will note all the details of the complaint and inform the officer concerned or redirect the complainant to the next officer available in the Police Station. The consultant will be paid Rs.8,250/- per month.


Earlier our officers used to chase a single private typist who would be very difficult to locate and had to be cajoled. Importantly, the case diaries would be kept pending for long periods of time. 3 to 4 constables in the Police Station would be busy doing other routine typing work. The officers would incur a lot of expenditure also. Thus, an experiment was tried in ramgopalpet PS. wherein we 'outsourced' this police function to a 'consultant'.

The consultant has employed his own typist, computer and printer and is using his own stationary, Cartridges etc. The C.P. hyderabad is paying Rs. 8,000/- per month to this consultant. This experiment had been carried out over the month of October, November and December 2002. The progress was reviewed and the near clearance of all non-pending CD files, final reports, Charge-sheets and also the up to date typing of crime review and notes had proved its success.


About 100 bodies are found in the lake every year.To shift each body, which is usually in a highly decomposed state,it costs R.s.1,000/-to the police station in emloying the labour,lphotography near the mortary etc. If the body 'disposal van' of the police departmet is not available, then it costs another R.s 2,50/- for each body.This 'police fuction' has been outsourced as an experiment, for R.s 7,50/- per body, with police transport
being given. A lot of man power is saved.


a) Release of police personnel for core duties : Earlier, the inspector and SIs of Ramgopalpet police station were using 3 constables to type their case diaries. 2 women constables and male constable use to man the reception center. Along with 1 SI, 1 ASI, 4 to 5 constables and another 4 to 5 home guards would use up 5 to 6 hours in removing a decomposed body in hussain sagar lake. Now the 2 women constables of the reception centre are released for duties on "Lake Police" where they will be able to cater to the Problems related to women also. 3 constables have meant that 2 extra beats are being sent at night to prevent crime in this P.S. More staff is available for shift duties.

b) Involvement of civilians in policing in taking place : and their presence is going to rub off beneficially on police attitudes.

c) Reduction in real costs : Each constable costs a minimum of Rs.10,000/ and above. For example, the reception counter used 3 constables which costs the Department a minimum of Rs.30,000/- per month. Now the reception is being run more effectively with an expenditure of Rs.8,250/- on 3 private receptionists. 

d) the SHO : For the first time, funds are being provided, albeit indirectly to the SHO to run his Police Station. For decades, the SHO has been 'expected'to meet the multifarious expenditures of the PS. Now , he can be questioned and be held accountable for any complaint.

The Government of Andhra Pradesh has permitted the various government departments to fix certain amounts to be charged from private organizations/ persons for services provided to them . The A.P. police collects 'user charges' at rates fixed by the government for providing bandobust for private functions and are permitted to utilise them under the head of 'professional services' of user charges, these payments are being made by the commissioner of police, Hyderabad.

Further areas which can be outsourved :

1). E-cops project which uses 3 constables per Police Station.
2). House keeping and maintenance of Police Stations.
3). 'Orderly System' in Police department.
4). Serving of Summons.
5). Running "Tappal" between offices.

It is to be noted that none of the above are CORE duties of the Police which are to
a). Prevent and detect Crime.
b). Enforce law and maintain public order and in which every Police man is trained.

(C.V.Anand. IPS)
Dy.Commissioer of Police
Central Zone - Hyderabad.

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