Sep 5, 2023

Security review ahead of major events

 In preparation for the upcoming elections and major religious events like Ganesh and Milad ahead, the City Police Commissioner  Mr.CV Anand  conducted a comprehensive review of security aspects and deployment readiness within the City Security Wing and other CAR units -  which handle all the back end arrangements for the Hyderabad City Police functioning ranging from armed force deployment, logistics, fleet management etc., and assists the civil police in  maintenance of Law & order, providing of security to vital installations and VIPs etc.,

  The review encompassed various wings, including the City Security Wing, Home Guards, Mounted units , and Dog Squads etc.,

In the threadbare review of the City Security Wing(CSW), that deploys guards to VIPs protection, he emphasized  the critical importance of remaining  alert. “Security of the protectee  must be your  utmost priority.”  he stressed. He encouraged them to maintain the highest standards of health and discipline in their roles. Furthermore, he assured the CSW personnel that efforts would be made to improve the  working conditions.

The inspection also  included a visit to the Mounted Police unit, where he personally inquired about the health and well-being of the 46 horses and 26 Dogs. He instructed the handlers and unit staff officers, vet doctor  to ensure that  the horses  and canines are in peak condition and well taken care of.  He also  inspected the dog kennels and the horse stables and enquired about their diet , maintenance and exercise and training schedules.

Later he also visited the Home Guards Commandant's office and reviewed the records.  “Home guards play crucial role in supporting the police force during various events and emergencies,and managing traffic.” Said CP Anand lauding their services. 

He also inaugurated a new unit canteen within the premises of the City Security Wing.This new facility  provides  a convenient and comfortable dining option for CSW personnel who work 24/7. 

Mr.M.Srinivasalu IPS, Jt.CP(CAR & Training); Mr.Alex, DCP CSW; and other officers  briefed the CP on the going activities,  infrastructure projects within CAR and their shortages and requirements

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