Sep 4, 2016

Government puts Millers on Notice

Rice millers in the State have been set a deadline of September 30 to supply to Civil Supplies Department 1.81 lakh tonnes of rice worth Rs 482 crore which is yet to be delivered by them as part of custom milling.

The government had procured 23 lakh tonnes of foodgrains from procurement centres in 2015-16 and handed over the stock to millers for custom milling. The millers milled the grains and produced 14 lakh tonnes of rice which was supplied to the government. As much as 1.81 lakh tonnes of rice was still due from them, Civil Supplies Commissioner C.V. Anand was informed by departmental officials at a meeting.

Mr. Anand asked them to take steps to get the stocks by September 30. He also directed cases against millers who defaulted in custom milling. Commissioner addressed letters to Joint Collectors of all districts furnishing names of millers who did not return the rice. He asked them to take steps to get the remaining quantity of rice from millers. 

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