Sep 1, 2016

Call for fresh tenders for super fine rice

The State government has decided to call for fresh tenders for super fine quality rice being supplied to hostels and for mid-day meal scheme to schools.Though the government had called for tenders earlier, the process could not be taken forward as the bidders were not willing to supply the rice for less than Rs 40 a kg. The government is insisting that they supply for Rs 37 a kg. 

According to CV Anand, Commissioner, Civil Supplies there are wide range of varieties of ‘super fine quality rice’ starting from Rs 19 to Rs 55, but it wants best quality at reasonable price, hence it proposes to go for fresh tenders. 

He said the department would give clear specifications to the bidders, so that the quality of rice before and after cooking remains the same. All the players would be invited for discussion and open tenders would be called again.

On the other hand, the department would also set up a ‘Task Force’, consisting of retired senior officials, who would report to the higher officials towards curbing corruption within the department. The officials engaged for quality check would be responsible for the quality of the rice during the process of procurement. They shall also regularly inspect the warehouses and MLS (Mandal Level Stocklist) points, Anand added.

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