May 17, 2016

C.V.Anand reviews SCSC functioning

The bi-monthly Executive Committee (EC) meeting of Society for Cyberabad Security Council (SCSC) that was held on 17th May 2016 at Infosys, Gachibowli, rolled out to be a great success in taking decisions for the future implementation of plans for the Society.

The meeting was presided by honourable chairman for SCSC Shri. C.V. Anand, IPS and the bi-monthly (EC) report of the Society was presented by  the secretary for SCSC which included the revenue details and activity scale ups in the last two months. The forum leaders presented the initiatives of their respective forums in the last two months and the forthcoming events were discussed to gain more direction and inputs. The EC members welcomed the new Treasurer and Associate Director of SCSC. 

Speaking on the occasion, the honourable Chairman Shri. C.V. Anand appreciated SCSC for its efforts in installing 150 CCTV Cameras in and around the IT Corridor, which has in the past and continues to be a key resource in helping the law enforcement agencies.Mr.Anand praised the success of the She Shuttle busses, in promoting a safer commute. He also praised SCSC for the wide variety of activities and initiatives it has taken up over the years and encouraged new blood to take SCSC further in their endeavours and addressed the committee to play an active role in furthering all the initiatives of the Society.

During the bi-monthly report presentation the secretary for the societyhighlighted the success story of the SHE-Shuttle. 

The launch of She Safe App, a Pilot initiative by SCSC, has immense potential in promoting women safety and is another jewel in SCSC's crown. 

The benefits of SHE-Safe App are: 
Call to Police even when there is no cellular connection, in case of emergency
Dedicated Control Desk by Cyberabad Police – When there is a panic alarm, Panic Location as well as the User Track through-out are seen by the Police
WhatsApp messenger to chat with the respective Cyberabad/Hyderabad Police WhatsApp desks, as additional communication mechanism during emergency
 SMS to Family & Friends with the track URL, for proactive tracking
The detailed Audit report was also one of the main agenda in the meeting and the EC reviewed 2015-16 financials and approved its expenses and finally concluded with the release of the 5th edition of Cyber-Shield- the Newsletter.

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