Mar 15, 2015

Safe and Smart Colony Project in Cyberabad

C.V.Anand briefing the project to the Chief Minister.
 Telangana Chief Minister inaugurated the safe and smart colony project in Mamathanagar(Cyberabad Jurisdiction) . This is a pilot project framed  by the Cyberabad Police to  control crime, identify anti-social elements in colonies. State Government, Cyberabad Police, GHMC and the colony residents joined the hands to make a difference.

Project Details

Collecting Information

Initially the residents in the colony formed as a society. Cyberabad Police prepared special formats and all the owners, tenants should fill and submit basic details like Name, Aadhaar Number, Photo, Address, Occupation, Vehicle Number etc.,

Tenants must enter the date of entry in the house, agent(if any), two local references, Foreigners should fill the details like passport Number, Visa details, purpose of visit, duration of stay, Occupation, local references if any.

Apart from that all the details of the house keeping staff, milk and paper boys along with their photos should be filled in the prescribed formats given by the police. All these details are saved in the local police station and subjected to further analysis.

One Entry-One Exit 

All the important routes in the colony are identified through maps. From 10 pm to 5 am all the other routes are closed to ensure that all  the residents, visitors and other people to go through only one entry and one  exit points. Watchmen are appointed at these points to record the details of the vehicles entering and leaving the colony.


Closed Circuit Cameras, Alarm systems  are installed at key points and main junctions in the colony and with the help of technology they are linked to the control room in the local police station.

Local Police and patrolling teams continuously maintain good coordination with the colony association and suggest them about security measure that need to be implemented.

Chief minister and police commissioner interacting with the colony members.

Improving police- public relations and to control crime in colonies is the prime objective of this project.


Unknown said...

Excellent concept. This will be a foregular multiplier for effective policing. Good job and an example for other state police.

Unknown said...

Excellent concept. This will be a foregular multiplier for effective policing. Good job and an example for other state police.