Sep 29, 2022

City Police Chief action plan to streamline traffic management

 In the wake of blatant violations of traffic rules and encroachments  prevailing on most of the major roads in the city , including national highways passing through the city, the city police have come up with an action plan to improve the free flow of traffic which in turn improves the quality of life.

                   In his power point presentation to the media personnel , City police chief Mr.CV Anand  apprised them about the road map and series of measures to be initiated under 3 Golden Es of traffic management i.e., Enforcement, Education and Engineering and about the   ongoing operation “ROPE” -  Removal of obstructive parking and encroachments.

Since Covid-19 outbreak the  steep rise in individual vehicles, both two wheelers & cars, has been the prime cause for increase of congestion on city roads. As compared against 2019, the no.of vehicles increased to almost 18 percent in 2022 and the total vehicles plying on roads are about 77,65,487.  The volume of traffic complaints being reported to Dial 100 helpline has also increased.  

                    Hinting hawkish stance on enforcement, CP Anand said that more number of towing cranes will be pressed into service to keep the carriage way clear. In lieu of quantity, emphasis will be on quality enforcement and its impact on complying to traffic rules will be analysed. During peak hours all senior officers will focus on regulation. Stop line discipline will be strictly enforced . Stringent measures will be initiated against commuters resorting to  wrong side driving, triple riding , improper number plates , black films etc., 

                   It has been decided to hold regular meetings with establishments, hawkers, schools, colleges, auto drivers, RTC drivers and all stake-holders to sensitise them on road rules, parking norms.        After carrying out education campaigns, special enforcement drives  will be started to keep a tab on errant violators. 

Of the total built-up area, under the norms laid under G.O.M.S.No. 168, residential apartments & education institutions should allocate 30 percent ,  hotels, lodges & commercial buildings should allocate 40 percent , malls & multi-plex should allocate 60 percent as parking space.

         Junction development, erecting signage boards at free lefts, providing safe turning radius at U-turns and adopting reversible lanes as per the traffic flow will be studied and implemented as part of engineering measures. Following frequent complaints from the residents of colonies about congestion in internal roads, the city police has decided to extend their focus to address such  issues. Reviving bus bays, relocating bus stops and improved road signages marking measures will be initiated soon.

                  The social media unit of traffic wing will scale up the digital education campaigns to reach out more youngsters through awareness videos, sessions etc., 

The police commissioner has introduced 4th  “E” i.e, Enablement  into traffic management with enhanced focus to cater the welfare needs of the traffic personnel  through regular health camps, kit bags and continuous capacity building at Traffic Training institute. With the allotment of 40 SIs and Inspectors of 2010 batch, the traffic wing has been further strengthened. Around 100 home guards and 100 women personnel from CAR will be deployed for traffic duties to cover more junctions.

Seeking cooperation of commuters, especially drivers of private and public transport vehicles, CP Anand  said the proposed action plan for better traffic management could succeed only if the public extend their full support to traffic police personnel.

ATC which is part of the Integrated Traffic Management System will be implemented across the city, said the city police chief. He also  unveiled the new logo of traffic wing.

Sri.AV.Ranganath IPS Jt.CP Traffic, SriKarunakar DCP Traffic, Addl.DCPs, all Traffic officers  other officers were present

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