Feb 18, 2017

Integrity and ethics are key: C.V. Anand

Commissioner of Civil Supplies C.V. Anand called upon hospital administrators and support employees to accord priority to integrity and ethics while discharging their duties.

Addressing about 400 youngsters from about a dozen colleges across the city after inaugurating the Annual Management Fest of ASCI’s Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital Management (PGDHM) ‘YBRATIONS-2017’ in the city on Saturday, Mr. Anand said: “We got a precious opportunity of serving people. All other things will be in place, if we stick to integrity and ethics in our professional life.”

Mr. Anand asked students to use technology judiciously. “With the advent of new technologies, there are new developments in every field. We should update ourselves by making use of technologies judiciously and stay up to date.”

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