Jan 22, 2017

Civil supplies department to extend use of EPOS units across Telangana

Following the directives of the central and state governments, the Civil Supplies department initiated reforms with the implementation of Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) Unit system throughout the state.

The EPOS machines are provided with advanced features and at a low price too.

In the process of finalising the tenders for EPOS machines, the civil supplies have also saved Rs 3 crores, the department claimed.

A committee with senior government officials was formed to finalise the tenders. “The process of tendering was completed in a transparent manner and we gave the tender to the company that offered the lowest rental per month per unit,” civil supplies commissioner CV Anand said adding that this saved Rs 3 crores for the state exchequer.

On the additional features incorporated in the machines, Anand said the EPOS units are already in vogue in the fair price shops of Greater Hyderabad for the implementation of Public Distribution System. These machines recognise the fingerprints of beneficiaries.

“Iris scanner, electronic weighing machine, swiping Aadhar Enabled System (AEPAS), audio/voice features are the added facilities,” explained Anand.

1 comment:

Sophie Ruby said...

Thank full , EPOS Till System Rental he was new Way to help to us to get the business running sucessfull.