Mar 8, 2016

International Women's Day

The Cyberabad Police held a function in the Commissionerate office to celebrate the International Women’s Day and recognise some of its courageous women police officers and their untiring efforts in keeping the women safety flag of Cyberabad Police flying high. The Cyberabad Police has initiated several measures for not only the safety of women but also for their empowerment like SHE Shuttles, SHE Cabs, Cabs Registration, SHE Teams, Integrated Policing Plan, Women Help Desks in each Police Stations, counselling centres, Marga Darshak and ‘Safe Stay’ Programmes in Association with  the Cyberabad Security Council (SCSC). 

The Cyberabad Police has treated the increasing no. of cases being booked by the SHE teams and complaints by women in general in a positive angle as a symbol of their increased no nonsense attitude towards male harassment. 

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