Apr 11, 2015

C.V.Anand distributes 'Good Citizen' Awards

In the drive towards people-friendly policing and involving community to bring a ‘Safe & Smart City’, Cyberabad Police Commissioner C.V.Anand  started recognizing efforts of Good Samaritan public and citizens who helped police to  catch criminals, maintain peace and order, or give vital information. This scheme was introduced by him in 2013.

As part of the initiative, fifteen people selected for their commendable acts were awarded by C.V.Anand at the Commissionerate Headquarters here on Saturday. The award carries a certificate and a cash reward of Rs.1,000.

Harbhan Singh (58) and Md. Moula (52) from Sikh Chawni Rajendranagar were presented the award for their timely intervention that prevented escalation of violence at Arsh Mahal of Rajendranagar last year. A class IX student Shiva Kumar and another man J. Babu Yadav were awarded for apprehending a gang of burglars at Katedan. 

Others who received the award were Gayatri Prasad, E. Shiva Kumar, Devella Gopi, B. Laxman, Bandi Sammaiah, G. Sampath Goud, Donthi Satyanarayana Goud, Kummari Kiran and M. Ravi, Sai Santhosh.

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